International Academic Journal of Law 2022-07-23T11:35:07+02:00 Mohammad Nasim [email protected] Open Journal Systems Legal Provisions Concerning Transfer of Foundation Property 2022-07-23T11:35:07+02:00 Yasinta Anggraini . Mulyoto . Yudho Taruno Muryanto . This writing examines the legal provisions regarding the transfer of foundation assets. Foundation is a legal entity consisting of assets that are separated and intended to achieve certain goals and objectives in the social, humanitarian and religious fields that do not have members . Article 5 paragraph (1) of Law Number 28 of 2004 concerning Amendments to Law Number 16 of 2001 concerning Foundations relates to the prohibition on the transfer of assets or assets of foundations. The formulation of the problem in This writing is how the legal provisions regarding the transfer of foundation assets are based on legal procedures and the Foundation Law. This research is a normative legal research that uses secondary data as the main material. Data collection techniques using literature study. The conclusion of this study is that the transfer of foundation wealth can only be justified by law if the foundation does not achieve its goals and objectives. Basically the assets or assets of the foundation can be sold to other parties as long as they fulfill the provisions of Article 37 paragraph 1 letter b of Law Number 16 of 2001 concerning Foundations, namely that the management must first obtain the approval of the Trustees. The transfer of Foundation Assets or Wealth that may be transferred must meet 3 (three) Principles, namely Transparency, Accountability, and Publicity. 2022-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Decision of the Governing Board Meeting in Amendment to the Articles of Association Regarding Activities for Waqf Foundations 2022-07-23T11:35:07+02:00 Intan Era Purnamasari . Mulyoto . Hari Purwadi . The purpose of this paper is to analyze the provisions of the quorum of the supervisor's meeting in terms of amendments to the Articles of Association regarding activities for foundations whose assets come from waqf, hereinafter referred to as waqf foundations. As well as the importance of implementing the principles of transparency, accountability and publicity for foundation organs. The supervisor in organizing the agenda for the supervisor's meeting must meet the quorum of attendance and the quorum of valid decisions stipulated in the Articles of Association and the Foundation Law. In practice, foundation coaches act deviantly by making changes to the articles of association of foundation activities that are not in accordance with the applicable legal rules. The importance of implementing the principles of the foundation to the organs of the foundation in order to maintain the alignment of the aims and objectives of the foundation. The approach method in this research is normative legal research and is supported by secondary materials related to research. Amendments to the articles of association of foundations are allowed in accordance with the provisions contained in Article 17 of the Foundation Law and Article 21 of the Foundation Law in accordance with the applicable provisions regarding changes to the articles of association of foundation activities by submitting approval to the Minister. In the amendment to the articles of association of the foundation, it must be noted that the field of activity of the foundation should not be carried out deviating from its aims and objectives. 2022-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##