Process Approach to Teaching Writing Applied In Different Teaching Models

  • Ghaith Saleh Mahdi Assist. Lect. AL-Mustaqbal University College, Iraq
  • Mahmood Shaalan Atiyah AL-Shlmani Karabük University-Turkey
  • Ali Abbas Jasim Mohammed Karabük University-Turkey
Keywords: English writing, Process approach, Product approach.


The importance of English writing for second language learners cannot be overstated. However, improving results in English classes and helping students improve their writing skills remain a difficult challenge for English teachers. For the first time, the author of this essay tries to give definitions of the process approach to writing, compare the product approach to teaching writing with the process approach, and then make recommendations about the fundamental principles of teaching writing with the application of the process approach, all based on their experimental research. The author uses this understanding of the process approach to writing to focus on a discussion of two classroom teaching models, namely teaching models with minimal and maximal control for different levels of English proficiency. In an experiment, the participants' writing skills improved significantly.