Comparative study on the competitiveness of Tourism industry between China and Ukraine

  • Lianfeng Zhang Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy Henan institute of science and technology,Xinxiang, China
  • Yuriy I. Danko Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy Henan institute of science and technology,Xinxiang, China
Keywords: The competitiveness, Tourism industry, competitiveness index, China and Ukraine.


Based on the above overview of the development of tourism industry in China and Ukraine, we have a certain understanding of the status quo of import and export trade of tourism industry in China and Ukraine. In this part emphatically from the two countries China and Ukraine tourism industry international competitiveness the size of the specific index to analyze the difference between the two countries tourism industry international competitiveness, so that we can better analyze the gap between China and Ukraine tourism industry international competitiveness, in order to promote their respective tourism industry international competitiveness.