IAR Journal of Humanities and Social Science https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss <p>“IAR Journal of Humanities and Social Science” Abbreviated Key Title:&nbsp;<em>IAR &nbsp;Jr Human Soc Sci.</em>; ISSN Online: 2708-6267; ISSN Print: 2708-6259 (Online) Open Access is peer reviewed, Bi-Monthly, open access Academic and Research Journal Published by Inlight Publisher, Kuwait. This Journal publishes Original Research Articles, Review Articles, Case Studies, Editorial Comments and other scientific studies within all the fields of Humanities and Social Science fields</p> <p><strong>IAR Journal of Humanities and Social Science</strong>&nbsp;aims to promote genuine research in the fields of education, Arabic language, literature and linguistics. This is a blind peer reviewed and international scholarly journal. This journal accepts&nbsp;</p> en-US [email protected] (Mohammad Nasim) Mon, 28 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0100 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Optimization of the Universal Defense System with Strengthening Air Sovereignty in the Republic Of Indonesia https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10492 The international recognition of airspace as part of state sovereignty provides strong legitimacy for Indonesia to fully and exclusively regulate its air space. Unfortunately, this has not been done optimally by Indonesia, which can be seen from the lack of adequate facilities, infrastructure and human resources that affect the ability to maintain national airspace sovereignty. Even though the regulation regarding regional borders has been clearly regulated through the 1944 Chicago Convention. Based on these problems, the purpose of this study is to identify and analyze efforts to strengthen airspace sovereignty that can be done by Indonesia in order to maintain the sovereignty of the Indonesian state. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach by collecting secondary data sources through literature study. From the review conducted, it was found that the efforts that can be made by the Indonesian government to strengthen the sovereignty of the airspace of the Indonesian state are by optimizing aspects of the universal defense system in accordance with Law no. 3 of 2002, which was then followed by a strategy of strengthening airspace sovereignty in the form of improving and optimizing the resources owned. Setiawan Wijayanto, I Wayan Midhio, Afrizal Hendra ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10492 Mon, 28 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0100 A Brief Analysis on the Impact of Minority Parsi Community Issues by Rohinton Mistry’s Novels https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10493 Literature has always represented society in one form or another because writers are the sensitive souls of the society who are affected by the slightest possible change in their surroundings. This paper deals with Indian literature especially focuses on Indian diasporic writer Rohinton Mistry who represents the realistic picture of the most sustained explorations of post – independence Indian society through his chronicles of individual and community lives. Mistry’s fiction covers many themes, from politics to parsi community life and economic inequality to national ‘events’ such as wars, rigorously examining the impact of historical forces and social events on ‘small’ lives. As his novels depicts the social, cultural and political life in India. Most of his concerns are devoted towards the preservation of the parsi community which is marginalized sections of the society which include the economically and socially downtrodden, old and decrepit, women, etc. His concerns for the socially downtrodden and socially marginalized have found genuine representation in his works. Rohinton Mistry rеflects the reality of India’s post colonial greedy politics of corruption, oppression, exploitation, violence, strong opposition to social and class differences have extended the spectrum of contemporary reality through his novels. Yogaraj A, Kavitha M ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10493 Mon, 28 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0100 In-depth Analysis on the Methodology of Sanad and MatanCriticisms: The Perspective of Hadith Scholars https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10494 Knowledge on the classification (Mustalah) and sciences (‘Ulum) of the Hadith that has long existed is the platform for religious scholars to debate the preservation and safeguarding of the originality and authenticity of the Prophet’s SAW Hadith. The topic is to determine whether to accept or reject the circumstances surrounding the chain of narrators (Sanad) and the text of the Hadith (Matan). The evaluation of a Hadith is made based on the Sanad and Matan criticisms. What is the relationship between these two aspects and to what degree does the role and significance of these two aspects affect the evaluation of a Hadith, notwithstanding the criteria needed by parties that intend to evaluate the Hadith? Hence, these are some of the questions that reflect the issues in this article. This brief study on the writings by experts in the field has produced a few latent points that can be summarised as; the criticisms of the Sanad and Matan had begun since the time of the Prophet’s SAW companions although criticisms on the Matan took preference and dominance due to the need at that moment in time. In the context of evaluating the Hadith, both these aspects need to be jointly criticized and not in a separate context. At times, the Hadith might have been authenticated based on the Sanad, nevertheless criticism of the Matan would still be initiated to ascertain that the text of the Hadith is safe from contradictory facts or void of any hidden flaws. Jabir Sani Maihula, Muhammad Mujtaba Abdulkadir ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10494 Mon, 28 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0100 The Current Impacts of the Us - China Strategic Competition on Vietnam https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10495 Vietnam has a quite special position in the comprehensive foreign policy of the US and China in Southeast Asia thanks to its important geostrategic location in this region. “Whoever controlling Vietnam can control Southeast Asia”.1 In the complicated context of US-China competition, beside the same impacts as Southeast Asian countries, Vietnam also suffers from other impacts due to its unique geo-strategic location. In order to clarify the impacts of US-China strategic competition on Vietnam, the article will present the following contents: (1) Vietnam's geostrategic location; (2) The impacts of US-China competition on Vietnam. Nguyen Hai Yen ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10495 Mon, 28 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0100 جهود علماء المسلمين في البحث العلمي المؤصل الشيخ عثمان بن إسحاق الفرضي نموذجا https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10496 The science of inheritance is one of the original scientific research that many Muslim scholars, ancient and modern, took care of, as they made their interest in studying it, so they dealt with hot and suspicious issues, and studied them in their corridors and corners until they deepened in the division of the inheritance hypothesis, so the study at that period was dependent on the books established by the Shaykhs and scholars, as well as according to the exact specialization in the subject of doctrinal jurisprudence or the so-called four schools, which made it of great importance and interest among specialists and contemporary interested in the curricula of universities in the world, especially Muslims, and they took great care of it, as they laid a solid brick, and established a strong and prevalent curriculum that affects. The issue of division or science of inheritance for their students at all University levels. Shaykh Uthman bin Ishaq is one of oldest scholars far ahead, who studied the science of inheritance convincingly, and demonstrated his genius and his stubbornness in the field, and listed issues of great importance in his book as a school for him or his own opinion appropriate to the texts transmitted in analogy. The article attempts to link the original rule and the efforts of this venerable scholar, al-Nahrir, who grew up and grew up in an African region, and is one of the students of Shaykh Uthman bin Foday, may Allah have mercy on him. And made it in our curricula rooted in our Nigerian Universities under the Department of Islamic Studies of them. The article includes the following points: The preface, where it talks about the science of inheritance or ordinances comprehensively. A brief history of Shaykh Uthman bin Ishaq, may Allah have mercy on him. View and study his author as his efforts to in authentication of sciences. The methodology of scientific research rooted in the book. Suggestions and solutions to simplify and integrate the literature into the curricula of Nigerian Universities. Conclusion Margins and references. Muntaka Yahaya Aminu ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10496 Mon, 28 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0100 A Comparative Study on the Use of English Songs and Poems to Teach Vocabulary for English as a Second Language Learners https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10497 Vocabulary is an important aspect of teaching and learning a language, especially in teaching and learning a second language or a foreign language. Lexical Approach by Lewis (1993) contains a taxonomy of lexical items which shows what kind of vocabulary the learner should develop, and Cameron (2001) states that in learning vocabulary the aspects of pronunciation, meaning, spelling and the grammatical usage of the specific words should be taught. In that case, there have been various strategies to teach and learn vocabulary in the English as a Second Language (ESL) context. This study investigates whether the usage of English songs and poems in English as a Second Language (ESL) classroom enhance the knowledge in the vocabulary of the secondary level learners. This study provides an answer to the research question “How does the usage of English songs and poems enhance the ESL students’ knowledge in vocabulary at the secondary level?” and claims two hypotheses, a) The use of English songs is more effective than using English poems in teaching vocabulary. b) There is a significant and positive impact after the usage of songs and poems in grade 10 with compared to grade 6. Twenty-five students from each class from grade 6 and grade 10 at H/ Weeraketiya Rajapaksha Central College participated in the study. The data was collected using the pretests and posttests. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 22. The findings indicated that both songs and poems have a positive impact on the enhancement of vocabulary knowledge at the secondary level. In both grades, songs were more effective in teaching vocabulary than poems. The second hypothesis of this study was partially confirmed as Grade 10 group that exposed to songs had an improvement whereas Grade 10 group that exposed to poems had shown a reduction in their marks, compared to Grade 6. Overall, the findings indicate the effectiveness of usage of English songs and poems in teaching and learning vocabulary in the secondary level ESL classroom. Though teachers do not pay much attention to the usage of songs and poems, they would be very much productive in enhancing the ESL learners’ knowledge in vocabulary. H. K.P. Dineshika ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10497 Mon, 28 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0100 Development of State Defense Awareness in Breaking the Chain of Radical Understanding as a Universe War https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10498 Radicalism and terrorism are common enemies of all mankind in the world, especially Indonesia. In dealing with terrorism, especially ISIS, Indonesia has made a number of efforts, including through a policy of fostering and strengthening awareness of defending the country for all Indonesian people, which aims to strengthen the love of every citizen for his homeland and country. The purpose of this study is first, to analyze how the form of state defense awareness development organized by Kodam Jaya in breaking the chain of the spread of ISIS terrorism.The research method used is qualitative research. The results show that there is a role for the TNI in breaking the chain of terrorism in Jakarta. Kodam Jaya does this through soft behavioralism, namely in the form of fostering awareness of state defense to break the chain of radicalism and terrorism. The conclusions in this study are, State Defense awareness activities are one of the implementations of the territorial function, namely social communication. This activity is carried out by the territorial unit so that the public understands from the start if there are spots of radicalism in their environment. The state defense awareness activities are carried out by Kodam Jaya in the scope of education, the scope of society and the scope of work. The implementation of state defense awareness in the various scopes above is able to break the chain of spread of radicalism and terrorism in the Jakarta area. The form of activity above is an elaboration of a universal war against radicalism in the country, where the TNI involves all components of society and existing resources to combat radicalism and terrorism. Dadi rusyadi, Deni D. A.R, Wayan Nurida ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10498 Mon, 28 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0100 The Urgency of the Defense Intelligence Agency in The Ministry of Defense Organizational Structure https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10499 Intelligence is an essential part of modern organizations. Related to the modern organization, the defense intelligence agency is compulsory of the defense ministry organization. Defense intelligence's job is to look for some information and then to proceed into intelligence analysis products. This intelligence analysis product is needed by Minister for decision making and also for policy analysis to formulate some defense policies. The problem arises from the absence of a structural defense intelligence organization in Indonesia’s Ministry of Defense. The idea of performing defense intelligence is still being debated, so the defense intelligence function is currently carried out by the defense strategic installation agency. This paper discusses the reasons for the urgency of a defense intelligence organization structurally under the ministry of defense. The results in this discussion indicate the need for a defense intelligence organization. Several reasons are that intelligence is a feature of modern organizations; defense intelligence is needed in the policy formulation cycle. Defense intelligence is required to support defense diplomacy. Methodology in this writing uses a descriptive qualitative method based on data collected from scientific journals, books, and statements of resource persons obtained from open sources. For a recommendation, intelligence stakeholders need to respond to the initiation of the formation of a defense intelligence agency Agus Kartomo, Tri Legionosuko, Helda Risman ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10499 Mon, 28 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0100 Sword of Sun Tzu in The Perspective of Free and Active Political https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10500 This paper explains that one of the theories in Sun Tzu's art of war can be applied in various aspects of life related to solving problems or conflicts through peace. In this paper, the theory of the “sheathed sword” as the highest skill will be juxtaposed with free and active politics related to the pattern used in world peace efforts. The principle of free and active in Sun Tzu's art of war is described as the collaboration of two reliable ways to acquire a supreme skill. This paper will also describe how Sun Tzu's art of war becomes a reference for various aspects of conflict resolution and how free and active politics sees it as an art of "war" with the highest skill. Hotma Ivan Sirait, Arief Rachman, Sutrimo Sumarlan ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10500 Mon, 28 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0100 Tungdunge Mundhum Establishes a Link Between the Sen and the Samba Dynasties https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10501 Mundhum is knowledge. Kirat's Mundhum is comparable to the Hindu Vedas. Some even consider it folklore. The culture of Kirat was formed by combining Mundhum's wisdom and philosophy with faith. Tungdunge Mundhum is the story of Kirat Samba's ancestral relationship, empowerment, and travel details. Tungdunge used to be their ancestral deity to be worshipped every three years. Kirat Limbu is an indigenous group living in Eastern Nepal, India, Bhutan, and abroad. Different surnames identify them, and one of them is Samba Phyang. The study attempted to examine facts to connect the epic and genealogy. This research investigated the historical, archaeological, and biological context. King Kokaha-Baraha used to be considered a god in history and genealogy. Tungdunge was the youngest son of King Kokaha-Baraha in Koshi Baraha region. He belonged to the Sen dynasty. His journey described in the myth began from Koshi-Baraha to the Mewa Khola in the 17th century. In the Socio-biological approach, the gene directs the path to kinship. He had travelled to Mewa Khola searching for his brother, and Samba welcomed him. This Mundhum attests to the Sen and Samba families' ties. It was a historical case of Eastern Nepal similar to the socio-biological model explained. The Shreng and Samba lineages arose from the Sen dynasty, according to history and mundhum. As a result, the Sen dynasty is the forefather of Samba families, including Phyang. Nawa Raj Subba ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://myresearchjournals.com/index.php/iarjhss/article/view/10501 Mon, 28 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0100