Limberg Flap for Pilonidal Sinus: Feasibility and Outcomes at Secondary Health Care Level

  • Manish Sharma Department of General Surgery, Regional Hospital Una (H.P.), India
  • Uma Sharma Assistant Prof, Department of General Surgery, Dr R.K.G.Medical college Hamirpur (H.P.), India
Keywords: Pilonidal sinus, Limberg flap, rhomboid flap.


Pilonidal sinus is a common disease in adults of 15-40 years of age hirsute males, jeep and truck drivers. Limberg flap has been recommended as the first line treatment for primary and recurrent disease. There is reluctance of general surgeons to perform the procedure at secondary health care level. This study was undertaken to check feasibility of flap surgery and compare outcomes at secondary health care level. In our study Limberg flap was done for all patients (total 10) of Pilonidal Sinus from December 2020 to November 2021.One case was associated with flap edema and two cases with persistent discharge from tip which subsided by 3 weeks. All patients were successfully treated and returned to work in 4 weeks. There was no recurrence. Limberg flap for Pilonidal sinus is a simple and easy to perform transposition flap even at district level hospital with a very low complication and recurrence rate.