Brief Review of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Pollution(RF and 5G Waves) on Humans, Animals, and Vegetation

  • S. Selim SEKER Department of Electrical-Electronic Engineering, Üsküdar University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Ozlem SIMSEK Department of Chemical Engineering, Üsküdar University, Istanbul, Turkey
Keywords: Thermal and non-thermal effects, RF, 5G, IoT Millimeter waves, EM Pollution


All devices using electrical energy emit electromagnetic fields and radiation as a side effect while performing their normal functions. This causes thermal and non-thermal harmful effects on humans, plants, animals, and devices. The effect on humans is not much different from the effects on plants or animals since they are dielectric material and 70-80% of them all consist of water. Other than that, some damages such as cancer appear after 20-30 years medically. Health studies conducted on animals reveal that radiofrequency (RF) waves, as well as the millimeter waves used in the 5G system cause changes in the body, manifested in structural alteration, disturbance in various functions of the organism, including the nervous, cardiovascular, immune, blood and other systems. While microwaves used in 4G cause thermal effects, millimetric waves used in 5G cause non-thermal effects only due to low wave penetration. Based on evidence obtained from various studies carried out by the USA National Toxicology Program, the Italian Ramazzini study, and the EU Reflex study, a growing number of scientists say that electromagnetic (EM) waves are “human carcinogens”. As is known that all processes in the human body involve electromagnetic waves. Brain activity, heartbeat, cell division, and neuronal communication always use electrical energy. The activities of hormones and enzymes are regulated electrically. Millimeter waveused in the 5G system have a weak penetrating ability and are easily absorbed by humans, animals, and trees. Therefore, 5G base stations need to be installed approximately every 10 meters. This will result in millions of new base stations in addition to the present ones and increase electromagnetic pollution and health risks by leased by a factor of 100. This study will discuss the biological effects of EM Pollution on humans, animals, and vegetation.

How to Cite
SEKER, S. S., & SIMSEK, O. (2023). Brief Review of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Pollution(RF and 5G Waves) on Humans, Animals, and Vegetation. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and Technology, 11(12).