Plot Positioning and Media Planning

  • Mithun Gowda C G P.G. Student, Department of Computer Application, Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Hunsamaranahalli, Bangalore, India
  • Muthuramalingam B Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Application, Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Hunsamaranahalli, Bangalore, India
Keywords: Media Scheduling


The major structural formation that will be offered with the aid of the services system that is being created are stream analysis and competitive resolution. In the Present scenario different tools are used for analyzing different social media. In this application the analysis over different social media is done by a single tool. The system offers high volume flexibility, numerous types of element transfer and statistic aggregation. The platform interactions and positioned crafting activities are both protected by authenticated processed security, which increases the system’s flexibility and security.
How to Cite
Gowda C G, M., & B, M. (2023). Plot Positioning and Media Planning . International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and Technology, 12(07), .