Technological Transformation of Work: Navigating Automation Technologies and Skill Evolution on Employment

  • Noorul Ameen A S M PG Scholar, Department of Computer Science and IT, Jain (Deemed to be) University, Bangaluru, India
  • S.K. Manju V Bargavi Professor, Department of Computer Science and IT, Jain (Deemed to be) University, Bangaluru, India
Keywords: Technology, Job roles, Automation, Job displacement, Skill requirements, Upskilling, Reskilling, Job creation, Digital era, Entrepreneurship, Ethics, Artificial intelligence, Future of work


The relentless march of technology is fundamentally reshaping the world of work, with a profound impact on job roles across all industries. This paper delves into the multifaceted influence of technology on job design, encompassing automation, skill requirements, job creation, and ethical considerations. It examines the rise of automation and its potential for job displacement, highlighting the challenges faced by workers in adapting to these changes. The paper further analyses how technology is transforming existing job roles and the emergence of new skillsets critical for success in the digital era. It emphasizes the importance of upskilling and reskilling to ensure job sustainability. Additionally, the paper explores the potential for technology to create new job opportunities and foster innovation and entrepreneurship. Furthermore, it addresses the ethical considerations surrounding technology-driven job roles, emphasizing the need for fairness, transparency, and data privacy. Finally, the paper analyses the future outlook of technology's role in job design and the challenges in balancing automation with human workforce integration.
How to Cite
A S M, N. A., & Bargavi, S. M. (2024). Technological Transformation of Work: Navigating Automation Technologies and Skill Evolution on Employment. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and Technology, 13(05), 8035-8039.