To assess the importance of Nidana Parivarjan in the treatment of Urdhvag Amlapitta with Guduchi Satva

  • Parag Vishwas Kulkarni Assistant Professor, Dept. of Rognidan Avum Vikriti Vigyan, Dr. Deepak Patil Ayurvedic Medical College and Research Centre, Panhala, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, INDIA.
  • Mangesh Jagannath Thamake Associate Professor, Dept. of Samhita and Siddhant, Dr. Deepak Patil Ayurvedic Medical College and Research Centre, Panhala, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, INDIA.
Keywords: Urdhvaga Amlapitta, Nidanparivarjan, Importance, Treatment.


Amlapitta is one of the leading clinical conditions in today’s speedy lifestyle. Present study focuses on this burning issue and its causes mentioned in Ayurved texts and actual causes observed in day to day life. Importance and benefits of Nidanparivarjan over only symptomatic treatment was assessed during this study. Amlapitta cases were diagnosed according to Ayurvedic texts and classified into two groups. One group was administered with only treatment and the other group was advised Nidanparivarjan along with the treatment. At the end of the study, it was found that the group with Nidanparivarjan was more benefited as compared to only treatment group. This clearly states that Ayurvedic method of finding the particular Hetu of the disease and practice of avoiding those Hetu; i.e. Nidanparivarjan leads to better results and complete eradication and prevention of the disease; thus serving the main principle of Ayurved science - Prevention is better than Cure.