Role of Samyoga Viruddha Ahara in Kustha Vyadhi - An Observational Study

  • Raosaheb A. Deshmukh Associate Professor, Dept. of Samhita Siddhanta, BLDEA’S AVS Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hospital and Research Centre, Vijayapur, Karanataka, INDIA.
Keywords: Ahara, Viruddha Ahara, Incompatiable Food, Samyoga Ahara, Kustha.


Food plays a decisive role in development, sustain, reproduction and termination of life. Through centuries, Food has been recognized as an important factor for human beings, in health and diseased state. Viruddha Ahara is one potent causative factor for several diseases. Consumption of Viruddha Ahara gives rise to various disturbances of mild to violent nature and disease of acute to chronic nature including the eight Maharogas, genetic disturbances and even sometimes causes death of the person. To conduct on observational study to access the role of Samyoga Viruddha Ahara is one of the Nidana for manifestation of Kustha Vyadhi. In the present observational study were selected of total 50 patients was conducted at O.P.D, Patients were screened on the basis of specially prepared questionnaires format. On Observational study majority of patients i.e. 82% of patients were consumed Samyoga Viruddha Ahara majority of patients i.e. 58% were consuming Viruddha Ahara (Samyogaja Viruddha Ahara), 26% were doing Malamutra Vega Dharana, 16% were doing Vyayama after Bhojana and 36% patients were doing Diwaswapna.