Assessment of relation between Dhatusarata and Dehabala w.s.r. to Harvard Step Test

  • Amar Baliram Abhrange Assistant Professor, Dept. of Sharira Kriya, DDPAMC, Borpadle, Kolhapur,
  • Archana Amar Abhrange Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Samhita Siddhanta, YAMC and RC Kodoli, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, INDIA.
  • Sachin S. Waghmare Associate Professor, Dept. of Samhita Siddhanta, YAMC and RC Kodoli, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, INDIA.
Keywords: Dhatusarata, Dehabala, Tissue excellence, Harvard Step Test.


The growth and existence of the human body is dependent on these seven Dhatus. These seven Dhatus are composed of five elements or Panchmahabhutas. Dhatu Sarata or Tissue excellence is a quality assessment of seven Dhatu. Examination of Dhatu Sarata is done at physical and psychological level. For determining the Dhatu Sarata, when the positive features are present above 75 %, it will be considered as best tissue quality (Uttam Sarata). When the positive features are present between 75 % and 25 %, it will be considered as moderate tissue quality (Madhyam Sarata). When positive features are present below 25 %, it will be labeled as poor tissue quality (Heen Sarata). The bodily movements which are meant for producing firmness and strength in the body are known as Vyayama or physical exercises. „Dehabala’ (Physical fitness) of subjects will be determined by Harvard step test. “Harvard Step Test” is a practical application of Ayurvedic Principal that “Bala should be measured by Vyamshakti” (Balam Vyayamshakty Parikshet). The person should be examined with reference to his capacity for exercise which is determined by one‟s ability to perform work. Therefore this study will estimate Dehabala and study the Dhatusarata and their association between them.