Quality standards of Palasha Kshara Gritha with reference to different vessels

  • H Pampanna Gouda Professor, Department of Samhita and Siddanta, SDM Institute of Ayurveda, Bangalore,
  • Seema MB Professor, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaisajya Kalpana, Govt Ayurveda Medical College, Bangalore,
  • Ravindra Angadi Professor and HOD, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaisajya Kalpana, SDM College of Ayurveda Kuthpady, Udupi, Karnataka, INDIA.
Keywords: Sneha Kalpana, Kshara, Ghrita, Siddhi Laxana, Palasha Kshara Ghrita (PKG), Ratios, Vessel.


This article attempts to clear the dogma that exists in the preparation of Kshara Ghrita with reference to its critical final stage of Siddhi Laxanas. Palasha Kshara Ghrita (PKG) prepared from the Kshara of Palasha (Grewia asiatica) mentioned in Rasa Tarangini, which is indicated in the treatment of Granthi (tumor) is taken for the study. The present article is an extract of all the observations made during the pharmaceutical study of PKG. All these observations will be of great help when we go for large scale production. The study has tried to establish the ratios of Dravadravyas with Kshara, besides addressing the type of vessels appropriate in such preparations. After preparation of sample in different vessels, these were subjected to analytical study using relevant analytical parameters to find out any difference. During pharmaceutical process Copper vessel was found appropriate on the lines of pharmaceutical preparations. The analytical report of samples reveals no much difference in the parameter findings except pH of PKG 7.00, 9.91 and 9.46 in the vessels such as copper, iron and mud pot respectively. The particle size of Kshara was in between 429.7 to 667 nm under 15.00KV magnification 7.5 KX and EDAX report of Phalasha Kshara under 400 μm potassium Wt% 40.05 and Oxygen is Wt% 39.12. Under 50 μm potassium Wt% 48.91 and Oxygen Wt% 33.40. Under 70 μm potassium Wt% 27.90 and Oxygen Wt% 37.78. As per this study copper vesse l is found better for PKG than Iron and Mud pot for assessment of end process and also on analytical parameter.