JOURNAL OF AYURVEDA AND INTEGRATED MEDICAL SCIENCES <p>Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences (JAIMS) – An International Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Bimonthly Journal for Researches in AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy), is published bimonthly by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. The full text of this journal is accessible on website&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p> en-US [email protected] (Umapati C. Baragi) Fri, 25 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0100 OJS 60 Clinical evaluation of Amrita Ghrita Sneha-Pana followed by Pippalyadi Yoga Virechana in the management of Vicharchika (chronic dermatitis) Background: Vicharchika is a Kapha dominated Tridoshaja Kshudra Kustha (minor skin disease) primarily characterized by eruptions with hyperpigmentation, itching and profuse discharge, but sometimes there may be dryness with itching, marked linings and thickening of the skin. The clinical presentation of Vicharchika is very much similar to that of Chronic Dermatitis or Eczema. The incidence of the disease is high and the relapsing nature of the disease makes it difficult to cure. Though many treatment modalities are there but in many of the cases the outcome is not satisfactory and long-term conventional treatment increases the chance of drug induced complications. So, in search of an effective, safe and affordable treatment modality the present study was carried-out. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of Amrita Ghrita Sneha-pana followed by Pippalyadi Yoga Virecana in the management of Vicarcika (chronic dermatitis). Materials and Methods: An open level clinical trial with pre-test and post test design were carried out where 30 patients suffering from Vicharchika were registered and were treated with Amrita Ghrita Sneha-pana followed by Virechana with Pippalyadi Yoga. Follow-up was done for 60 days. Assessment was done on 0-day, 15th day, 30th day and 60th day based on the symptoms and standard assessment tool specially designed for Chronic Dermatitis (Eczema). Appropriate statistical methods were used to analyse data. Result: Statistically significant improvement was observed in the symptoms of the disease. Conclusion: Amrita Ghrita Snehapana followed by Pippalyadi Yoga Virecana is found to be effective in the management of Vicharchika. Pritu Tiwari, Abhishek Bhattacharjee, Parashara Murali Krishna ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 25 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0100 A comparative clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Swarasa and Kashaya of Nimba, Amrita, Bhumyamalaki, Bhringaraja and Katuki (NABBK) in the management of Kostashakhashrita Kamala vis-à-vis Viral Hepatitis Kamala is a one among the Rakta Pradoshaja Vikara, where there is aversion towards all desires. Two types of Kamala are mentioned in Ayurvedic classics viz Kostashakhashrita Kamala and Shakhashrita Kamala. Kostashakhashrita Kamala in its definition includes the condition which is mentioned as viral hepatitis in western system of medicine. The treatment modalities described in Ayurveda for Kostashakhashrita Kamala include both Shodhana and Shamana. This study is an attempt to evaluate the efficacy of Nimba, Amrita, Bhumyamalaki, Bhringaraja and Katuki (NABBK) Kashaya and compare its efficacy with that of Nimba, Amrita, Bhumyamalaki, Bhringaraja (NABB) Swarasa with Katuki Churna in Kostashakhashrita Kamala vis-à-vis Viral Hepatitis. Overall difference between two groups showed statistically non-significant result with ‘p’ value 0.953. Shivappa A. Gangal, Deepa S. Gangal ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 25 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0100 Comparative clinical study of Alambushadi Churna and Dwipanchmuladya Tail Basti in the management of Amavata vis-a–vis Rheumatoid Arthritis In Ayurvedic text book, Amavata symptom is mentioned as swelling, joint pain, numbness, appetite loss, indigestion and fever. In Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita, Amavata is mentioned as a syndrome called Vatavyadhi, a diverse group of symptoms that are organized according to the systemic and local manifestations of Vata Dosha. According to the Charaka Samhita of Vatavyadhi, when Vata affects the Asthi and Majja there is painful swelling and immobility of the joints. Hence clinical study is planned to evaluate effect of Alambushadi Churna and in the Management of Amavata for that 60 Patients having classical symptomatology of Amavata have been selected from Kayachikitsa OPD and IPD of Sir Sunder Lal Hospital, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and divided in two groups. Results of study shows that the sign and symptoms e.g., Loss of appetite, Angamarda, Alasya etc. due to derangement of Aam are observed to be improved in by Alambushadi Churna oral dose compared to Methotrexate. Sunil Kumar1, J.P. Singh, O.P. Singh, Mukesh Kumar ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 25 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0100 Clinical Study of Nirgundi Ghana Vati with Nirgundi Patra Panda Sweda in the management on Amavata Today as man is climbing the step of success, he is moving away from health abnormal food habits, style of living, greed, anger have become a part of his life. The sedentary life style has given birth to number of diseases. Amavata is one of the challenging diseases for the physicians due to its chronicity, incurability, complications and morbidity. Amavata (Rheumatoid arthritis) the term desires from the words as “Ama ” and “Vata” the word Ama is the condition which in various ailments in system due to its toxic effect. The Ama when combines with Vatadosha and occupies in Shleshmasthana (Asthi Sandhi) results painful disease „Amavata‟ The disease is characterized by various features like Sandhishoola in the nature of Toda, swelling inability of joints movements etc. In this research work 16 patients were registered, these patients were given Nirgundi Ghan Vati in the doses of 500gm two Vati three times a day for 30 days, along with Nirgundi Patra Pinda Sweda in 28 days. Results show that significant decrease in the symptoms of Amavata after treatment regimen. Shakuntala Sundi, V. D. Shukla, Rajan Nelson Munzni, Sushma Khalkho ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 25 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0100 A randomized, comparative, open clinical trial for evaluating the efficacy of PP/JLN/107/09-10 Syrup in the management of Functional Constipation Context: Functional constipation which has no underlying organic causes is difficult to be allopathic treatment for long term due to its side effects and undeniable effect, thus a natural balanced and compatible formulation needs to be validated. Objectives: Current study aimed to assess a poly-herbal formulation in management of functional constipation. Material and Methods: This study was 28 days, two armed, randomized, open labeled, prospective clinical study. 60 clinically confirmed cases of functional constipation patients randomized to receive orally either 2 teaspoonful of PP/JLN/107/09-10 Syrup or 1 teaspoonful of 5- 6 gm of Isabgol powder. Results were analyzed as per Rome II criteria and other associated symptoms like headache, acidity, belching, barborgysmy, flatulence and abdominal dis tension or bloating which are recorded on VAS score. Results: PP/JLN/107/09-10 scored over Isabgol on four out of six parameters of Rome II Criteria viz., frequency of bowel movement, straining at defecation, lumpy I har dstool formation, feeling of incomplete evacuation, feeling of ano-rectal blockage and manual maneuvers (p less than 0.001). Trial drugs showed comparable effects (p > 0.05) in reducing the mean scores of associated symptoms like headache, acidity, belching, borgorgysmy, flatulence and abdominal distension. However, trial drug was found to perform statistically significant result in more number of parameters in comparison to Isabgol. Conclusion: PP/JLN/107/09-10 was found to be effective and safe in reliving functional constipation. M. Ramadas, Padmanabha Rugvedi, Pankaj Kumar Gupta, Rajiva Kumar Rai, JLN Sastry ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 25 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0100 A clinical study to evaluate the combined effect of Yavaksharayukta Swarnamakshika with Varanadi Kashaya in benign prostatic hyperplasia Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is the adenomatous hyperplasia of the periurethral part of the prostate gland that occurs especially in men over 50 years old and that tends to obstruct urination by constricting the urethra. Overall nearly 80% of men will develop BPH, and as many as 30% will receive treatment for it. The present study was a clinical validation and standardization of Ayurvedic medicines which can provide an improved response to the disease as the present conventional practices are not satisfactory. The study design was interventional. Twenty patients satisfying the selection criteria were selected from the OPD of Government Ayurveda College, Trivandrum. 125 mg of Swarnamakshika and Yavakshara were advised to take with Madhu, followed by 48 ml of Varanadikashaya for a period of 45 days. Assessments were done before and after the study using assessment criteria. The study was statistically significant in symptomatic relief. The study therefore concludes that the combination is effective in the management of BPH. Varsha Mohan, Sreeni T.V., Jacob M. Titus ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 25 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0100 Clinal study of Pippalyadya Lau in the management of Tamaka Shwasa Our lifestyles have been driven to another level with introduction of new gadgets and science and technological interferences in living in one way or the other. The major cause of poor health conditions are diseases, improper and unhealthy dietary habits, injury, incremented mental stress levels, lack of hygiene, unhealthy lifestyle, etc. The true meaning of being healthy is apposite balance of mental, physical and a spiritual state of a being. Shwasa Roga is classified into 5 categories in Ayurveda. Tamaka Shwasa is one of the categories of Shwasa Roga. In modern Asthma is known as reactive airway disease. This hyper responsiveness manifests itself as broncho constriction following exercise, on natural exposure to strong as irritant fumes such as sulphur dioxide, tobacco smoke, etc. The present study deals with clinical Study of Pippalyadya Lauh on Tamaka Shwasa. In this study total 60 patients of Tamaka Shvasa were registered. Patients were randomly divided under three groups. Results of study reveals that all preparations of Pippalyadi Loha has shown significant results on Tamaka Shwasa patients and Pippalyadi Loha No I and considered to be the best among three different preparations and safe for use. Amit Kapila, Amnish Verma, Rajni Bhardwaj, Amandeep Sharma ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 25 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0100 A study on the efficacy of Siravyadha followed by Snuhi Kaanda Lepa in the management of Vicharchika (eczema) Beauty is either skin deep i.e. Superficial or the purity of soul itself the later which is implied to Satwa Guna is penultimate and is beyond physical afflictions. Complexion, color etc. attributed to the healthy status of Tawk (skin) and the humors and the former is mean of sensory perception and the Vata Dosha pervades in it. People who live in urban areas and in climates with low humidity seen to be at increased risk for developing atopic dermatitis. W.H.O reveals that more than 75 million people all over the world have this disease. Shivappa A. Gangal, Deepa S. Gangal ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 25 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0100 A Biochemical Approach to Understand the Concept of Snigdha Guna of Ghee and Ruksha Guna of Terminalia arjuna on Behaviour of 3T3-L1 Cell Line with Respect to Adipocytic and Anti-Adipocytic Activity : In Vitro Ayurvedic medicine is a system of traditional medicine native to India. Ayurveda is based on peculiar fundamental principles like Shatpadarth, Tridosha Theory, Panchamahabhuta Theory, Prakriti, Ojas, Dhatu, Mala, Agni, Manas, and Atma etc. The concepts of Ayurveda are expressed with Gunas. The increased elements are treated by opposite Guna. In support of the above concept, an experimental study on the 3T3-L1 cell line is carried out for examine the adipocytic and anti adipocytic activity of Snigdha and Ruksha Guna respectively. The results were assessed with the help of evaluation of sublethal concentration by using XTT assay and lipid assay. The aim of basic research in Ayurveda through bioscience is to explore scientific innovation and opportunities in fundamental concept of Ayurveda. Fundamental research needs to be done to highlight the concept of gurvadi guna through the in vitro study. Ruchika Dighekar, Kiran Tawalare ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 25 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0100 Antibacterial effectiveness of natural products alone and in combination with Calcium Hydroxide as Intracanal Medicaments : An In-Vitro Microbiological Study Major objective of root canal treatment is disinfection of the root canal system and elimination of microbiota. Various intracanal medicaments as an adjunct to mechanical disinection and irrigation have been used but due to the harmful effects of the commercially available agents, a need for natural alternatives is felt over the time. This in-vitro study aims to evaluate the antibacterial effectiveness of natural agents Septillin and Aloe vera with Calcium hydroxide and without Calcium hydroxide on the Streptococcus mitis, E. Faecalis and Candida albicans using agar well diffusion method. The antibacterial activity was assessed by the diameter of zone of inhibition seen as clear zone around the wells. The study showed that Septillin in combination with Calcium hydroxide and alone showed considerable antimicrobial activity against Streptococcus mitis, Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans where as Aloe vera with Calcium hydroxide showed to be mildly effective against all three but not as effective as Septillin and Calcium hydroxide when tested alone. Abhilasha Bhawalkar, Shreya Gulati, Sanjyot Mulay, Rajesh Shetty ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 25 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0100 Assessment of relation between Dhatusarata and Dehabala w.s.r. to Harvard Step Test The growth and existence of the human body is dependent on these seven Dhatus. These seven Dhatus are composed of five elements or Panchmahabhutas. Dhatu Sarata or Tissue excellence is a quality assessment of seven Dhatu. Examination of Dhatu Sarata is done at physical and psychological level. For determining the Dhatu Sarata, when the positive features are present above 75 %, it will be considered as best tissue quality (Uttam Sarata). When the positive features are present between 75 % and 25 %, it will be considered as moderate tissue quality (Madhyam Sarata). When positive features are present below 25 %, it will be labeled as poor tissue quality (Heen Sarata). The bodily movements which are meant for producing firmness and strength in the body are known as Vyayama or physical exercises. „Dehabala’ (Physical fitness) of subjects will be determined by Harvard step test. “Harvard Step Test” is a practical application of Ayurvedic Principal that “Bala should be measured by Vyamshakti” (Balam Vyayamshakty Parikshet). The person should be examined with reference to his capacity for exercise which is determined by one‟s ability to perform work. Therefore this study will estimate Dehabala and study the Dhatusarata and their association between them. Amar Baliram Abhrange, Archana Amar Abhrange, Sachin S. Waghmare ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 25 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0100 Correlation of Griva Parinaah (GP) in Anguli Praman and BMI in Medovriddhi (Obesity) w.s.r. to Cardiovascular Risk The prevalence of overweight and obesity in India is increasing faster than the world average Medovriddhi (obesity) shows the symptoms as increased size of buttocks, breast and abdomen, Shwasa (breathlessness) after slight movement also. Acharya Bhavprakash added one more symptom the oversize of the neck (Griva). Acharya Sushruta mentioned the Griva measurement should be 20 Angul for both males and females with their fingers (self-finger unit). In modern science, body mass index (BMI) is used to find out obesity. Obesity is the foremost cause of cardiovascular diseases. BMI is the generalized metric way but Grivaparinaah in Swangulpramaan is a personalized quantifying anthropometric measurement. Individuals of Medovriddhi having an age group of 20 to 70 years were selected. So, intending to the height the importance of Grivaparinaah described in Medodhatu Vruddhi correlation study having been carried out. A positive correlation was found in GP with BMI in both genders having r-value of 0.3533 (p less than 0.05) for males and 0.3137 (p less than 0.05) for females. Using ROC curve analysis GP is >21.63 Angul for males and females were determined to be the best cut-off level for identifying a subject with BMI as cardiovascular risk. Kiran Tawalare, Jatved Pawar ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 25 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0100 An experimental study to evaluate the antidotal activity of Neeli Moola (Indigofera tinctoria) Kalka w.s.r to haematological parameters in Vatsanabha (Aconitum ferox ) induced toxicity Background: Vatsanabha is a potent cardiac poison comes under the category of Mahavisha with its main active principles aconitine, picraconine and pseudaconine. In the literatures there are descriptions about toxicants and in some traditional Malayalam textbooks antidotes has been explained under the concept “Prathyoushadha”. Neeli Moola has been mentioned as a Prathyoushadha for Vatsanabha poisoning in a renowned textbook „Visha Vaidya Jyotsnika‟. Hence to evaluate the antidotal activity in Vatsanabha poisoning, Neeli Moola Kalka has been used and the haematological parameters were analyzed to screen the results. Methods: Wistar strain albino rats were used in this study which were divided into 3 groups, normal control, toxic control and the test drug group. The duration of the study was 28 days .The data generated was mentioned as Mean±SEM. Difference among the groups was assessed by employing one way ANOVA followed by Dunnet‟s mul tiple „t‟ test. Results: Reversible action has been observed after the administration of Neeli Moola Kalka in the hematological parameters which has shown toxicity changes due to administration of Vatsanabha. Conclusion: Neeli Moola Kalka is having mild to moderate antidote effect in Vatsanbha induced toxicity. Sreelakshmi A, Shrinidhi R, Sudhakar Bhat, Sreejith K, Chaithra S. Hebbar ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 25 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0100 Quality standards of Palasha Kshara Gritha with reference to different vessels This article attempts to clear the dogma that exists in the preparation of Kshara Ghrita with reference to its critical final stage of Siddhi Laxanas. Palasha Kshara Ghrita (PKG) prepared from the Kshara of Palasha (Grewia asiatica) mentioned in Rasa Tarangini, which is indicated in the treatment of Granthi (tumor) is taken for the study. The present article is an extract of all the observations made during the pharmaceutical study of PKG. All these observations will be of great help when we go for large scale production. The study has tried to establish the ratios of Dravadravyas with Kshara, besides addressing the type of vessels appropriate in such preparations. After preparation of sample in different vessels, these were subjected to analytical study using relevant analytical parameters to find out any difference. During pharmaceutical process Copper vessel was found appropriate on the lines of pharmaceutical preparations. The analytical report of samples reveals no much difference in the parameter findings except pH of PKG 7.00, 9.91 and 9.46 in the vessels such as copper, iron and mud pot respectively. The particle size of Kshara was in between 429.7 to 667 nm under 15.00KV magnification 7.5 KX and EDAX report of Phalasha Kshara under 400 μm potassium Wt% 40.05 and Oxygen is Wt% 39.12. Under 50 μm potassium Wt% 48.91 and Oxygen Wt% 33.40. Under 70 μm potassium Wt% 27.90 and Oxygen Wt% 37.78. As per this study copper vesse l is found better for PKG than Iron and Mud pot for assessment of end process and also on analytical parameter. H Pampanna Gouda, Seema MB, Ravindra Angadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 25 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0100 Pharmaceutical standardization of Palashakshara Standardization of herbal drugs is essential to certify their quality and purity. Kshara (alkaline substance) of Palasha (Butea monosperma) is an important constituent in many Ayurvedic formulations, but its standard manufacturing process (SMP) is not attempted till date. This study is aimed to establish SMP for Palashakshara. In pharmaceutical process; generally, the sediments of ash obtained at the end of washes will be discarded. However, in the study, we attempted to wash the sediments repeatedly by adding water to extract more Kshara. Palasha was collected from the local area and authenticated. Kshara was prepared by following standard methods and the preliminary physicochemical profile was developed. It is observed that the ash yields Kshara even in the consecutive washes. First wash yielded 21.23% w/w Kshara, while the second and third washes yielded 9.38% w/w and 4.76% w/w, respectively. Repeated washes yield more Kshara. Hence, it is advocated to wash the ashes repeatedly. As the findings are encouraging, similar experiments can be extended to all other Kshara preparations. Ganapathi Rao I, Chandrakanth M. Halli, Subhod Kamthikar ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 25 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0100 Pharmaceutico-analytical study of Mayurpiccha Bhasma - An Ayurvedic preparation Background: Mayurpiccha Bhasma is a classical Ayurvedic kalpa prepare from peacock feathers, which is commonly used for treatment of Vomiting, Hiccups, Respiratory illness etc. Method of preparation of Mayurpiccha Bhasma is mentioned in Siddhayog sangraha and Bhaishyajya Samhita. Material and Methods: Mayurpiccha Bhasma was prepared by procedure mentioned in Siddhayog sangraha i.e. Peacock feathers are burn on ghee flame and finished product was subjected to various Physico-chemical analysis like Moisture content, Ash value, Chemical components etc. Observations: Observations were noted while testing of finish product. Result and Conclusion: Various observations and reports of tests were noted. Gangaprasad Asore, Baban Rathod, Dipalee Thakur ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 25 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0100 Phyto physico-chemical profile of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera Dunal) Introduction: The present article deals with study of phytochemical analysis of Withania somnifera Dunal roots. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera Dunal - Solanaceae), The use of Ashwagandha (WS) is increasing due to a number of chemical constituents present in are found useful for promotion of health. Important bio-active constituents of Ashwagandha root powder are alkaloids, tannins and flavonoid and phenolic compound helps to promote the health benefits. Objective: Evolution of Physico- chemical and phyto chemical analysis of Ashwagandha (WS) powder. Materials and methods: The current investigation deals with extraction and detection or screening of active phytochemical compounds from different extracts of Withania somnifera root. Pharmacognostic studies, Physico-chemical studies, Preliminary phytochemical studies and HPTLC was carried out. Result and conclusion: The result drown were 2% foreign mater was determined. Loss on drying 1.6%, total ash obtained was 9%, acid insoluble ash was 1% and water soluble extractive was 12% and Alcohol soluble extractive was 13%. The phytochemical investigation revealed the presence of various phytochemical constituents such as alkaloids, flavonoids, carbohydrate, Steroids and Saponin Glycoside. HPTLC chromatograms of methanol extracts obtained from root of Withania somnifera revealed that higher quality of with a nolides was present. Hence the root of Withania somnifera was considered to mostly prefer for commercial preparation of drugs. Bargale Sushant Sukumar, Tripathy T. B., Shashirekha H.K. ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 25 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0100