Analysis of Accredited Higher Education Institutions in Karnataka with Respect to Location and Source of Finance

  • Mahantesh M Kuri Assistant Professor, Ranichennamma University, Belagavi, Karnataka, India
  • Vishal Chenraj Jain Research Scholar, Ranichennamma University, Belagavi, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Accreditation, Cumulative grade point average, Grade, Location, Source of funding


India is a developing country and in ordered to achieve our goals we have to strengthen our higher education system. The continuing growth of the middle class in India (approximately 200 million people) has led to increased demand for higher education and we know that this demand cannot be met very easily by the Indian Higher Education system. Although the Indian government is planning to establish new universities and colleges in the near future, these will not be enough to provide places for all students who seek higher education. If we think that what India will be like 25 years from now, we can estimate quantitatively with a fair degree of confidence in some areas.Ever since the establishment of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) it has been involved in evaluating the performance of the Universities and Colleges in the Country. The main philosophy of NAAC is based on objective and continuous improvement rather than being punitive or judgmental, so that all institutions of higher learning are empowered to maximize their resources, opportunities and capabilities. Across India there are few states who have taken up initiatives to go for Accreditation with the support of the government and higher education Council. Among these states Karnataka is one such state where more number of higher education Institutions have been accredited across different cycles. There are many factors which contributes for the institutions to have high cumulative grade point average and also grades. In this paper an attempt is being made to find out how location and source of funding influences on the accreditation status of higher education Institutions in Karnataka.