A Socio-Psychological Study of ‘The Second Coming’ in Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger

  • Jyoti Kala .
Keywords: Aravind Adiga, Socio-Psychological, The Second Coming, The White Tiger.


Aravind Adiga’s Man Bookerprize (2008) winning debut novel The White Tiger unearths the ever widening gap of inequality and disparity between a selective few city entrepreneur from the world of lightand the underprivileged masses belonging to the world of darkness of backward villages of India. In the competitive postmodern age of rapid technological advancement and fast growing economy, influenced by and depending on the trend of neo-liberal Globalization, the major developing eastern countries like India and China are trying to follow the western model of economic development irrespective of their demographic statistics. India, a ‘Freedom-Loving Nation’ like China, is struggling hard to keep pace with the other developed western countries but fails to provide an all-inclusive justifying strategic policy to the undeveloped, deprived, suppressed and frustrated inhabitants of the dark world, the ‘brown men’, who like Balram, the protagonist of the novel The White Tiger, are desperately looking for their ‘freedom’ from servitude and to have a dignified place in the shining world of a privileged few.