Mando to Fado : Women in Goan Folksong

  • Brian Mendonça .
Keywords: Fado, Goan folksong, Mando, Women.


While it is true that the soulful melodies of Goa’s Catholic folksongs are of infinite beauty, it is useful to examine the content more closely. A cursory glance would suggest that many songs show the plight of the woman as being spurned or forgotten by her lover. The mando is ‘a Goan dance form of Christian origin.’ (See YouTube video, Mando-Dances of Goa) I take up two mandos to illustrate this. In the first ‘TujeaUtrar re Patienun’ the woman is depicted as waiting for her fiancé as he has promised her that he will come back for her. However, he does not and the damsel is left lamenting her fate. The title of the mando is ‘Depending on your word.’ The lady trusts the man and waits for him. Later she lovingly accuses him for being ungrateful and for not remembering the times that she has cared for him.She resigns herself to her fate saying this is her destiny. This is the end of the road for her. She has no will to live anymore. The sense of doom is upon her.