Basavaraj Naikar, Perspectives on Commonwealth Literature

  • Deepak Kumar Singh .
Keywords: Articles, Basavaraj Naikar, Perspectives on commonwealth literature.


Basavaraj Naikar’s Perspectives on Commonwealth Literature contains scholarly articles on the major Commonwealth writer’s like Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka, Obotunde Ijimere, Nadine Gordimer, Margaret Laurence, Patrick White, Tom Gibson, Norman Partington, Simon Harvester, Taya Zinkin, G.V. Desai, Gurucharan Das, Manohar Malgaonkar, Khushwant Singh, Chaman Nahal, Rabindranath Tagore, V.S. Naipaul, Derek Walcott, Gabriel Okara, A.J.M. Smith and J.M. Coetzee. It seems that Naikar’s interest in Commonwealth literature initially began as an extension of his interest in Indian English literature; but this extension of interest soon became deeply absorbing and wide-ranging, involving not only Indian literatures but also literatures from Africa, Australia, Canada, the West Indies, the Asia-Pacific Region, and others. This book contains twenty-two scholarly articles that the author has written over the past twenty years on major Commonwealth writers. Some of these articles were published in reputed journals of India. The author has collected and published these articles in this critical anthology for the benefit of graduate, post-graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral students to expand their critical vistas.