Post Modernism in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Lowland

  • K Rajani .
Keywords: Jhumpa Lahiri, Lowland, Modernism.


The immigrant experience is always fertile ground for fiction, and Jhumpa Lahiri – born in London to Bengali parents and raised in Rhode Island – has built her literary career exploring this territory as it relates to characters of Indian origin in America, with all the attendant questions of identity, loyalty, memory and reinvention. Though she has produced only two collections of stories and, now, two novels, her reputation is firmly established as one of the leading fiction writers of her generation. Her debut collection, The Interpreter of Maladies, won her the Pulitzer Prize, a PEN/ Hemingway award and the New Yorker prize for Best First Book. Her second novel, The Lowland, has been shortlisted for 2013 Booker Prize.