Study of the Immunomodulatory Activity of Brenol Tablet-A Polyherbal Formulation

  • V. P. Patil SVKMS, NMIMS University, School of Pharmacy and Technology Management, Shirpur Campus, Dist Dhulia, Shirpur, Maharashtra, 425 405, India
  • D. A. Karanjkar SVKMS, NMIMS University, School of Pharmacy and Technology Management, Shirpur Campus, Dist Dhulia, Shirpur, Maharashtra, 425 405, India
  • G. S. Chakraborthy SVKMS, NMIMS University, School of Pharmacy and Technology Management, Shirpur Campus, Dist Dhulia, Shirpur, Maharashtra, 425 405, India
Keywords: Polyherbal formulation, Hypersensitivity, immunomodulatory activity.


To study the immunomodulatory effect of brenol tablet-A polyherbal formulation and extracts were administered orally at doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg/day to healthy rats divided into three groups consisting of six animals each. The assessment of immunomodulatory activity was carried out by testing cellular (foot pad swelling) immune responses to the antigenic challenge by sheep RBCs and by neutrophil adhesion test. On oral administration polyherbal formulation showed a significant increase in neutrophil adhesion and delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) response. Thus polyherbal formulation shows significantly potentiated the cellular immunity by facilitating the footpad thickness response to sheep RBCs in sensitized rats. The responses were statistically significant when they were compared with the control. The study stated that polyherbal formulation shows a significant stimulation of the cell mediated immunity and no effects on the humoral immunity. The study demonstrates that polyherbal formulation shows preferential stimulation of the components of cell-mediated immunity.