Study of Background of Patients Suffering From Diabetes Mellitus with Special Reference to Muzaffarpur Town

  • Sangeeta Rani Rishiraj College of Pharmacy, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Asha Rani Rishiraj College of Pharmacy, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Rajesh Kumar Nema Rishiraj College of Pharmacy, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
Keywords: Diabetes, CHD, Genetic factors.


Diabetes is a challenging health problem. It has become the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer in many developed and developing countries of the world, The world wide data show that 5.35 million people live with Type-I diabetes and 0.395 million (7.4%) are children. The annual incidence turns out to be the highest in India throughout the world. According to WHO estimation; India will have over 57 million diabetic patients by 2025. Viewing this alarming rate of diabetes all over India, Muzaffarpur has been selected as the locale of study. The present study focused on the background profile and prevalence rate of Diabetes in selected area of Muzaffaprur town. Random sampling method was used to select the Diabetic patients. This is an evident proof to show that obesity is directly linked with diabetes and such people are at greater risk of having CHD. Genetic factors have been found responsible for causing diabetes among 63% of the respondents.