Overcoming Dental Fear with Sedation Dentistry – An Update

  • Niha Naveed Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals
Keywords: Dental fears, sedation, sleeping dentistry, relaxation, anaesthesiologist.


Some people don't look forward to dental appointments any more than they look forward to visits to a physician. Most dental procedures aren't painful. However, just being examined can make people feel stressed. For those with dental phobia, however, the thought of a dental visit is terrifying. They may be so frightened, in fact, that they'll do just about anything to avoid a dental appointment. A phobia is an intense, unreasonable fear. People can fear a specific activity, object or situation. People with dental phobia often put off routine care for years or even decades. To avoid it, they'll put up with gum infections, pain, or even broken and unsightly teeth. For this, proper pharmacological interventions should be carried out. Sedation is sometimes touted as “the solution for overcoming dental anxiety or phobia”.