Fractionation and Characterization of Proteins in Lumbricus rubellus Powders

  • M. L. Edy Parwanto Departmen of Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Mahyunis Departmen of Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Hardy Senjaya Departmen of Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Hosea Jaya Edy Departmen of Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Syamsurizal Departmen of Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Lumbricus rubellus, protein fractionation, electrophoresis, crude extract, precipitate, dialysate.


In order to find drugs from natural materials, earthworm powders Lumbricus rubellus can be used as a source of protein which can be developed into various types of drugs. The purpose of this study do fractionation and characterization of protein in L rubellus powders based on molecular weight. Protein in L rubellus powders extracted gradually to obtain a crude extract, precipitate and dialysate as final extract. Measurement of proteins levels in the crude extract, precipitate and dialysate is done by spectrophotometer, while electrophoresis was done to proteins characterization base on molecular weight. We conclude that 5 grams powder L rubellus in the dialysate fractions containing 2487 ug/mL proteins that show four dominant types of proteins with a molecular weight of 12.2, 13.3, 14.6 and 29.2 kiloDalton (kDa).