• B. P. Baruah Tocklai Experimental Station, TRA, Jorhat 785008. Assam, India.
  • M. Hazarika Tocklai Experimental Station, TRA, Jorhat 785008. Assam, India.
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Small scale cultivation of tea in the Eastern India has started rather late. From a few enterprising cultivators in the early eighties, the sector has achieved a stupendous growth in between and at present there are about 100,000 small growers in the region contributing 30%to the total production of the region. Limited scientific knowledge is an impediment faced by the small growers for achieving sustainable tea productivity. The growers need to be trained in all aspects of tea culture to improve their production of quality leaf. Training must also be imparted to these farmers on judicious use of pesticides and MRL issues. Smallholder training provided by the Tea Research association through STGAC is effective but has been able to cover only 20%of the growers, leaving a big gap in meeting the training needs of the smallholder growers in this region. Suggestions have been mooted in designing new/additional mechanisms to meet the requirements.