Teacher Assessment in the Secondary schools of Afghanistan with Reference to Some Parameters of Pedagogical Practices

  • Noorajan Atif Research Schola, Department of Education (CASE), Faculty of Education and Psychology, The MS University of Baroda, Vadodara, India
  • Satish Pathak Professor, Department of Education (CASE), Faculty of Education and Psychology, The MS University of Baroda, Vadodara, India
Keywords: Parameters of pedagogical practices, Teacher assessment


Nowadays teacher performance assessment in education has become significant with a view to enhance the quality of education. It is evident
that this thrust area would lead to quality and excellence in education. It is realized that the most arguable point about teacher assessment
is the improvement of students’ performance and learning outcomes. One of the very debatable issues about quality teaching is that to what
extent a teacher is able to provide a positive learning environment inside the classroom. Similarly, a qualified teacher is also assumed to create
good learning conditions by employing effective pedagogy.
The available studies on Afghan teacher teaching skills (Afghanistan National Education for All (EFA) Review Report, 2015; National
Education Strategic Plan (NESP), Ministry of Education, 2016; Education Sector Analysis Report Draft, 2016 and Mansory, 2010) indicate that the
vast majority of Afghan school teachers employ traditional pedagogy which cannot help learners to advance their ‘critical thinking’ ability and
become ‘autonomous’ learners (Barron and Darling-Hammond, 2008). The above conceptual background and reviewed report of Afghanistan
have inspired the authors to assess the teachers' performance in the secondary schools of Afghanistan with reference to some parameters of
pedagogical practices. The present paper depicts the observed existing pedagogical practices through a series of classroom observation and
attempted to suggest some ideas to overcome the challenges of the teachers.
Journal of Teacher Education and Research (2019): . DOI: 10.36268/JTER/1415

Author Biography

Noorajan Atif, Research Schola, Department of Education (CASE), Faculty of Education and Psychology, The MS University of Baroda, Vadodara, India

, Satish Pathak2
1r, 2Professor,
1,2Department of Education (CASE), Faculty of Education and Psychology, The MS University of Baroda, Vadodara, India
