Color Objects Detection in Real-Time with Raspberry Pi and Image Processing

  • K. V. Kalyan Chakravarthy Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Gidijala, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • M. Vamshi Krishna Professor, Department of ECE, Dhanekula Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ganguru, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India
Keywords: Real-time color tracking, Thresholding, RGB Color space


Color has been broadly utilized continuously in many applications. It offers a few massive focal points over geometric prompts, for example, computational straightforwardness, heartiness under partial impediment, pivot, scale, and goal changes. Even though color techniques end up being proficient in an assortment of computer vision applications, there are a few issues related to these strategies for which color tracking is one of the most significant. Color has been generally utilized in machine-based vision frameworks for assignments, for example, picture division, object tracking, and detection. The objective of this task is the proficient following of tracking color objects from a grouping of live pictures for use continuously applications including observation and robot route. This paper addresses building a real-time tracking framework comprising standard equipment and fit for tracking various objects from an edge arrangement progressively.


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