Technical Modeling Of Employment Potential And Economic Viability of Agro Based Industries

  • Deepti Singh Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
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The paper discusses in detail the importance of agro based industries. This whole debate of the agro based industries can be traced back to the economic development of the developing economies around the world. India has been basically an agriculture driven economy, the story of the development of the other agriculture driven economies suggest that they stated their development story with the view of also taking agriculture growth into account. They led to the path of development i.e. industrial sector and services sector but also took along agriculture with itself. This step was taken to make the growth process inclusive, that is development of all the sectors composing the economy at that point in time. But in india the growth process has not been inclusive that is, the urban centers has marched ahead while the rural sector stays behind. The development of industrial sectors has been centralized along the urban areas. This imbalance has led to a flourishing urban centre and a ruining rural centre. Now this imbalance has led to the problem of migration, unemployment in rural centres, underemployment in rural centres, acute poverty. So to tackle this problem of rural distress industrialization of rural india is a necessity and along with it growth of agriculture is also required. To tackle this dual problem the development of agro based industries is a necessity. Now there are several aspects involved in the development of an industry, I am taking into account the problem of economic viability of such rural units.


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