Voice to Indian Sign Language Conversion for Hearing Impaired People

  • Ashmi Katariya .
  • Vaibhav Rumale .
  • Aishwarya Gholap .
  • Anuprita Dhamale .
  • Ankita Gupta .
Keywords: Grammar rules, Indian sign language, Natural language processing.


Sign language is a universal way of communication for challenged people with speaking and hearing limitations. Multiple mediums are accessible to translate or to acknowledge sign language and convert them to text. However, the text to signing conversion systems has been rarely developed; this is often thanks to the scarcity of any sign language dictionary. Our project aims at creating a system that consists of a module that initially transforms voice input to English text and which parses the sentence, then to which Indian sign language grammar rules are applied. This is done by eliminating stop words from the reordered sentence. Indian Sign Language (ISL) does not sustain the inflections of the word. Hence, stemming is applied to vary over the words to their root/ stem class. All words of the sentence are then checked against the labels in the dictionary containing videos representing each of the words. The present systems are limited to only straight conversion of words into ISL, whereas the proposed system is innovative, as our system aims to rework these sentences into ISL as per grammar in the real domain.


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