Waste to Energy: A Review on Generating Electricity in India

  • M. K. Shukla Department of Mathematics, Shia P. G. College, University of Lucknow, Lucknow-226020, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Mohammad Miyan Department of Mathematics, Shia P. G. College, University of Lucknow, Lucknow-226020, Uttar Pradesh, India
Keywords: Conversion technology, Conversion efficiency, Energy scenario, Solid waste materials, Waste sources.


The traditional fuels required for the production of strength are decreasing every day, and it is far very vital to discover opportunity assets that may be used as fuel for the production of energy, especially for developing countries like India. The essential goal at the back of this paper is to lessen the pollutants, and recycle the wastage and reuse them, and ultimately to produce the electricity from waste. For producing strength, we make use of the process of changing the biomass strength into the electricity, and it will be transformed into strength. In a sense, right here, the phenomenon of biomass strength and this biomass electricity will be transformed into power, and by the use of this lessen the pollutants and also reduce the impact of global warming.


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