Technology : Impact on the Youth and Society

  • Ashwin D. Bhagat Shri JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India
  • Yogesh Kumar Sharma Shri JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India
Keywords: hyper-connected, identity, implications virtual, innovation, psychological.


As we become increasingly immersed in the virtual world, where humans no longer control machines but vice versa, technology is taking a toll on our human capabilities of adaptability, humor, and the need for communication. While technology is an integral part of our lives, data breaches, a lack of innovation and efficiency, and overdependence on technology have all been identified in recent years. This article investigates the negative implications of technology in terms of data storage, identity, security, the future of our hyper-connected youth, and the repercussions of data breaches, including their causes and results, as well as the overall psychological impact on individuals and society.


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