Impact of Technology on Traditional Teaching - Learning Measures in The Era of Covid-19 Pandemic

  • Bhakti Narendra Raut Department of Information Technology, Sonopant Dandekar College, Palghar, India
Keywords: Pandemic, Education, Technology, Modern Classroom, Machine Learning.


The period of 21stcentury is frequently respected as the period of Innovations and Technology. Today, Technology plays a significant part in our life. It is conceivable as it were through technology that distances are no more hindrances and training can be brought to the understudy's doorstep. The effect of innovation can be felt in each conceivable field and one such field is education. Instruction in its overall sense is a structure of learning in which the information, abilities and propensities from a gathering of individuals are changed from one age to next through instructing, preparing and research. Today, like never before, the job of instructive innovation in educating is of incredible significance in light of the utilization of data and correspondence advancements (ICT). Instructive innovation is a coordinated cycle of applying present day innovation to improve the nature of education. It is an efficient method of conceptualizing the execution and assessment of the instructive cycle, for example learning and educating furthermore, help with the use of current instructive educating methods. This paper features the significance of IT in educational areas, the effect of IT on study hall education, points of interest, and the detriments of IT.


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