Feedback Control of Chaos in Porous Medium under G-jitter Effects

  • Ajay Singh Assitant Professor, Department of Humanities and Applied Sciences, School of Management Sciences,, Lucknow- 226501 (UP) India.
  • B. S. Bhadauria Professor, School of Physical and Decision Sciences, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, (U.P.), India.
  • Prashant Kumar Gangwar Head of Department, Civil Engineering, School of Management Sciences, Lucknow- 226501(UP) India.
Keywords: Non-linear theory, Gravity modulation, Chaos theory, Feedback control.


In the present paper, we studied feedback control of chaotic convection in porous medium under gravity modulation. A non-autonomous system having three differential equations is obtained by employing the truncated Galerkin expansion method in to the modulated momentum and energy equations, called as Lorenz system in the literature. The parameter R demonstrates either periodic or chaotic behavior of the system as increasing R. It is also found that the influence of amplitude of modulation is to advance the chaotic nature in the system whereas the feedback control and frequency of modulation parameters have tendency to delay the chaotic behavior.


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