Social Entrepreneurship in India- An Overview

  • Chetna Singh Research Scholar, Institute of Management Studies, BHU., Mobile: 9453365004
Keywords: Social entrepreneur, social entrepreneurship, social problem, social change, social venture, challenges.


Social entrepreneurs are the person who identifies the social problems and try to resolve it with various innovative ways thus trying to bring a social change. Social entrepreneurship is gaining popularity worldwide and attracting interest among academicians and researchers. Social entrepreneurship is generally defined as “an Entrepreneurial activity with an embedded social purpose”. Socialentrepreneurshipisbasicallyanactofrecognisingthesocialproblemandbyusingthe entrepreneurial principles try to manage a social venture so as to achieve a desired social change. Social Entrepreneurship is becoming popular because development of any nation is depends upon how social problems is handled. For developing nations like India it is very important to uplift the condition of bottom ofpyramidandsocialentrepreneurshipislikeavaccinationforthisproblemsinceitinvolves underdeveloped and unprivileged groups of the society.Though, social entrepreneurship is gaining popularity, it has to face various challenges at the same time. The objective of the paper is to study the meaning of social entrepreneurship and the various challenges faced by them while serving for the welfare of the society.