Ethical Challenges In E-Governance For Transforming India

  • Himanshu Tiwari Project Manager, Lilysys Solution Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
  • Shrish Kumar Tiwari Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Allahabad Degree College, Prayagraj (UP)
Keywords: Democracy, Digital Divide, Ethical challenges, E-Governance, Information and Communication Technology, SMART.


The Present era is the Digital era in which things are converting in technological tools and products. Even human beings' identity is existing in the form of some information like SIM card, ATM /debit card, PAN number, etc. These transformations are the result of the technological advancement of the Country through Information technology revolutions. Administration, the implementing machinery of government, is now also well equipped with this electronic development in e-governance, which is the outcome of the IT boom in India. Technological advancement of various nations of rest of world is propelling our governance system towards – e-government, e-administration. However, it is excellent and effective to maintain effectiveness, easiness, and transparency in the administration's day-to-day functioning up to some extent. But unfortunately, it is assumed that e-governance is the solution to all problems related to administrative functions which are not true in the present environment. The government and media are propagating it as the key to all success, but it is quite different from above. This form of governance is also facing various such challenges, which might create problems if not dealt with within time. Simply deciding to implement new technology because it makes our life easier may not be the best choice. My life may be easier but how does this affect my neighbors or the environment or even my grandchildren's lives. We have both an ethical and moral responsibility to ourselves, society, and the environment. When we are faced with technical decisions we need to learn all we can about the issue, analyze the issue from both a technical and ethical viewpoint, and then choose a course of action that best satisfies both even if that means not using the available technology. We must always remember that our choices will create change and we need to consider that possibility in all we do. Ethics and technology are becoming different aspects of the same function. One cannot consider one without considering the effects of the other. This paper focuses on the limitations of e-governance in the context of ethics in India. The paper aims to identify ethical challenges before the e-governance which might be disturbing for the intention and motive of e-governance and provide some solutions in form of suggestions for developing technology(e-governance) for human welfare in an ethical context.