Econometric Analysis of Influences of Trade Openness, Economic Growth and Urbanization on Greenhouse Gas Emission in INDIA (1961-2017)

  • Abhay Pratap Raghuvanshi Assistant Professor Economics
Keywords: Carbon-dioxide emission per capita, Economic growth, Johansen test of co-integration, Trade openness, Urbanization, U-test, Vector autoregressive model.


This paper examines the impacts of trade openness, gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, and urbanization air pollution. It takes into consideration data on India during the period 1961-2017 to see how trade openness, GDP per capita growth, urbanization have impacted CO2 emissions. To test for the existence of an inverted U shaped hypothesis, U-test is used in this paper. The data is subjected to various econometric tests, including unit root test, optimal lag test before applying the Johansen test for co-integration to understand the long-run relationship between the above variable. Then the unrestricted VAR model and Wald test are used to find the short-run causality between the variables under analysis. Further, to observe variation in an endogenous variable into the component shocks to the VAR, variance decomposition of the CO2 emission is observed.