Evaluation of different growing media for tomato nursery

  • Prakash Mahala Regional Research Station (Punjab Agricultural University), Ballowal Saunkhri, Punjab
  • Rakesh Kumar Sharma Regional Research Station (Punjab Agricultural University), Ballowal Saunkhri, Punjab
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Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) from family Solanaceae is one of the most popular and widely grown vegetable crops in the world for its nutritive and medicinal value (Sharma and Singh, 2015). Tomato fruits are consumed fresh or processed and are a source of minerals and vitamins (Eivazi et al. 2013). The red fruit contain lycopene, a carotenoid that helps to prevent various diseases. During 2019 tomato it occupies an area of 0.88 million hectares with an annual production of 18.7 million MT in India. In Punjab tomato is grown over an area of 10.20 thousand ha with production of 252.60 thousand tonnes and average yield of 248 q/ha during 2018-19 (Anonymous 2019).
How to Cite
Mahala, P., & Sharma, R. (2020). Evaluation of different growing media for tomato nursery. Vegetable Science, 47(01), 146-149. https://doi.org/10.61180/vegsci.2020.v47.i1.28
Research Article