Punjab Kheera-1: A new variety of parthenocarpic cucumber for polynet house cultivation

  • RK Dhall Department of Vegetable Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004, Punjab
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The role of parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids/varieties in increasing the production and productivity of polynet house grown cucumber is well recognized in the world. The higher yield potential of parthenocarpic cucumber is often higher than that of conventional seeded varieties due to its association with gynoecious trait and also due to the fact that pollination is not a prerequisite for fruit set as it is in seeded cucumber. Moreover, the energy required to produce seeds in conventional seeded cultivars is not needed in parthenocarpic hybrids as these hybrids are seedless and the conserved energy will be utilized to produce more fruits in parthenocapic hybrids. However, cultivation of cucumber under protected conditions in India is restricted due to non-availability of suitable parthenocarpic gynoecious varieties/hybrids from public sector and high cost of the hybrid seeds developed by the private sector (Kumar et al. 2016).
How to Cite
Dhall , R. (2019). Punjab Kheera-1: A new variety of parthenocarpic cucumber for polynet house cultivation. Vegetable Science, 46(1-2), 135-138. https://doi.org/10.61180/vegsci.2019.v46.i1-2.26
Research Article