Field assessment of tinda [Praecitrullus fistulosus (Stocks) Pangalo] genotypes under lateritic soils of Eastern India

  • J Mandal Department of Horticulture and Post-Harvest Technology, Institute of Agriculture, Visva-Bharati Sriniketan– 731236, West Bengal
  • S Mohanta Department of Horticulture and Post-Harvest Technology, Institute of Agriculture, Visva-Bharati Sriniketan– 731236, West Bengal
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Tinda or round melon (Praecitrullus fistulosus (Stock) Pangalo, 2n=24) is a minor summer grown cucurbitaceous vegetable. The origin of tinda is probably northwestern India, where wild types may still be found. Previously tinda was considered as a distant relative of watermelon and it was classified as Citrullus lanatus subsp. fistulosus (Stocks) Duthieet J.B. Fuller (Levi et al. 2005). However, the genetic similarity between Praecitrullus fistulosus and Cucumis or Citrullus group was found less than 3%; and it was found more closely related with Benincasa hispida than Citrullus spp (Levi et al. 2010). It differs to Citrullus in the stratification of pollen grains, haploid chromosome number and to some extent in leaf morphology (Tyagi et al. 2017).
How to Cite
Mandal, J., & Mohanta, S. (2018). Field assessment of tinda [Praecitrullus fistulosus (Stocks) Pangalo] genotypes under lateritic soils of Eastern India. Vegetable Science, 45(02), 287-290.
Research Article