Effect of plastic mulches on performance of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) in temperate Himalaya
The brinjal is a very important crop of Indian plains commonly grown throughout the year. A number of high yielding varieties and hybrids have been evolved to increase yield in this crop. In addition to improved cultivars, advances have also been made to develop cop management practices including fertilization, irrigation and weed control for boosting the productivity in this crop. Commercial cultivation of brinjal in hills is confined only to lower hills up to 1000-1200m altitude due to quick fall down of temperature in late Kharif and severe winter at higher altitudes (>15000m). The area under brinjal cultivation in mid hills (1700m-2200m altitude) of Himalayan region is negligible. However, selection of short duration long fruited varieties/hybrids have been found to give economical yield provided seedlings are raised in polyhouse during February-March and transplanted during the month of April.
How to Cite
Mishra, A. (2018). Effect of plastic mulches on performance of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) in temperate Himalaya. Vegetable Science, 45(02), 300-302. https://doi.org/10.61180/vegsci.2018.v45.i2.30
Research Article
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