Combining ability and gene action studies in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)

  • AK Singh ICAR-RC-ER Research Center, Ranchi, Jharkhand
  • RS Pan ICAR-RC-ER Research Center, Ranchi, Jharkhand
  • P Bhavana ICAR-RC-ER Research Center, Ranchi, Jharkhand
Keywords: Combining ability, Gene action, GCA, SCA, Predictability ratio


Combining ability effects were estimated for fruit yield and its component characters in a line x tester analysis model comprising 24 crosses developed by using eight lines and three testers. On the basis of gca and sca variances, most of the characters under study indicated predominance of non additive gene action. The parents HABR-5, HABR-6, BL-3, Swarna Pratibha and HAB-899 were good general combiners for fruit yield, and fruit weight. The F1 hybrid HABL-11 x HAB-381 was the combinations for fruit yield.
How to Cite
Singh, A., Pan, R., & Bhavana, P. (2018). Combining ability and gene action studies in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.). Vegetable Science, 45(01), 27-30.
Research Article