Development and evaluation of different integrated disease management modules for the cost-effective control of fungal diseases of tomato

  • K. K. Pandey ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.
  • R. M. Rai ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Keywords: Tomato, Fungal diseases, Bioagents, Integration, Modules, Management


Tomato is one of the most popular vegetable crops nationally and internationally used by human beings either cooked and uncooked in various forms including processed products. Various types of diseases are affecting the crop ate starting from its nursery to post-harvesting. Among these, the majority of the diseases are caused by different genera of fungi. Soil-borne fungal diseases are most difficult for manage once the diseases appear in standing tomato crops. A field experiment was conducted by synthesizing different management modules to find the most economical, sustainable and eco-friendly. Based on three years of continuous experimentation on the variety Kashi Aman of tomato for the management of fungal diseases in the nursery and main field, three modules are recommended. The integrated module was the best and most economical. Alternatively, for organic and pesticide-free production of tomato variety Kashi Aman for domestic and international market biological module may be recommended in this area which will be long lasting, absolutely ecofriendly and economical. Good Agricultural Practices (G.A.P) may also be recommended in this area because the module is absolutely pesticide residue-free, sustainable, eco-friendly, long-lasting, organic-based and highly suitable for export.
How to Cite
Pandey, K. K., & Rai, R. M. (2023). Development and evaluation of different integrated disease management modules for the cost-effective control of fungal diseases of tomato. Vegetable Science, 50(02), 365-370.
Research Article