Task Scheduling Management Under Multiple Processors System

  • Ruchi Gupta1 Ph.D. Scholar, Omkarananda Institute of Management and Technology, Rishikesh.
  • P. K. Yadav Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, U.K, India.
Keywords: Distributed computing, Task Allocation, Module distribution, Execution Cost, Communication Cost, Task Size.


Distributed computing systems are of current interest due to the advancement of microprocessor technology and computer network. The prime function of effective utilization of distributed system is accurately mapping of task and tasks their scheduling on different processors for reducing their total finish time. Total runtime is taken time for all module with the runtime of tasks and their communication cost among tasks. In Distributed processing system, partitioning of a task into modules and proper allocation of module among processors are more important factor for efficient utilization of resources. In this paper, we discuss allocation of a set of ‘m’ module of a task to a set of ‘n’ processors (where m > n) to get an optimal utilization of available processors. We partition the task in different size of module and design an algorithm for allocation of these modules in distributed processing environment. While designing the model Per Bit Processing Rate, Inter Task Communication Cost, Task Size has been taken into consideration. We consider the constraints of minimizing execution cost and their Inter task communication and maximize the overall throughput of the system to be taking as constraints in such a way that allocated load on all the processor is balances.