Black tea as a part of daily diet: A boon for healthy living

  • Gargi Sen Tea Board of India, 14 B.T.M. Sarani, Kolkata, India
  • Biswajit Bera Tea Board of India, 14 B.T.M. Sarani, Kolkata, India
Keywords: Tea; Black; Green; Benefit; Clinical trial


Black tea is one of the most popular beverages worldwide. The aim of this review is to summarize the putative biological actions of black tea and its components, to obtain a further understanding of the reported beneficial health effects of these substances. Research in the field of health-related properties of black tea has increased since the studies started showing the low cardiovascular mortality rate in association with its (black tea) consumption. Several other potential beneficial properties of flavonoids have since been ascertained. We review the studies on various components of black tea, the mechanisms by which they act, and the potential benefit of this fascinating natural beverage in preventing disease and promoting healthy life.