A review of Green tea constituents on reducing risk of cancer and its treatment

  • Athanasios Psihogios 1724 Caminiti Crescent, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Keywords: .


Amongst the thousands of degenerative diseases that afflict human populations worldwide, cancer is considered bythe majority to be one of the most devastating and traumatic health crises that can be experienced today. Although the etiology of cancer is unquestionably one that is multifactorial in nature, there is a constant emphasis placed upon the attempt to identify specific areas that can be targeted for prevention and conjunctive treatment of this disease. Cancer's cell cyclehinders healthy cells from living and flourishing, resulting in the eventual destruction and overtaking of the body's organs/tissues and the eventual cessation of the individual's health. These subsequent cellular degradation events result in death of the host from cellular starvation and homeostatic disruption.1 With an estimated worldwide cancer rate increase of 75% in the next two decades,2 it is crucial to identify and implement the use of chemopreventive substances into our diets that reduce the likelihood of developing cancer and facilitate the treating of it.